Previous alliance:GSF-BHU
Link to your profile:
Map using Travmap:i don't get this one
Offensive rank:326
Defensive rank:2638
01. Frequency of your connections?
online for 16 hrs in the day
02. Why did you leave your previous alliance?
just a issue with the council member Hateful he asked me to leave the alliance
03. Do you play on other servers? (detailed answer)
yeah on s1, s5, speed server
04. What are your contacts on the server (username / alliance)?
arni in s1, Ashthon in s5, and Nipples in speed server
05. Why do you want to join us?
R2K is doing quite good in SW and i am in SW also
06. Why did you choose the Roman / German / Gauls tribe?
teutons are fast and cheap to build and they sping out os barracks ans stables more quickly so more troops more raid
07. What is the biggest negative cropper production you've ever managed, on any server?
-29k in s1